Happy new year! We hope you all had a restful break over Christmas, and that you are one of the healthy homes. With the announcement of another nationwide lockdown this week, it seems we have much to overcome before we can all resume normal life.
Despite this challenge, LEAP is continuing to press ahead with delivering as many Home Energy Advice calls as possible. Due to lockdown restrictions, the shorter home visits we were offering (where deemed necessary) may not be possible for a while, but we can still provide practical energy advice over the phone, post out small measures for self-installation and signpost to other essential services, such as those provided by our partner IncomeMax. Healthy homes are important at this time of year. Our call centre is operating in the same way as in previous lockdowns.
Even though there is light at the end of the tunnel with the Covid-vaccination programme underway, there are still tough months ahead. We are expecting an even greater need for financial and debt support and with winter in full swing, there are many, many homes that still need help with heating. We are aiming to create more healthy homes in the area.
You can all help promote our telephone advice service by ensuring the LEAP freephone number 0800 060 7567 is prominently displayed on your websites and reassuring applicants that the same level of support is available to them, as before. We want you to all to know that have more capacity available for delivering LEAP so please do share our information and refer in as many households as possible.
Kicking off the new year with refresher training!
Lorraine is running two more refresher training sessions this month. The sessions provide an excellent opportunity to revisit the range of services that LEAP offers and ways in which referrers can promote LEAP and submit referrals online. The sessions are being held via Microsoft Teams and Zoom as follows:
25th Jan 2pm – 3pm on Teams
27th Jan 10am -11am on Zoom
Email Lorraine to book a place!