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3 ways to lower your home energy bills

By October 13, 2021July 9th, 2024No Comments

Energy prices and the amount of energy each home is using is in the news with potential rises in energy bills coming. At the moment there is an energy cap in place but that may not be enough to help those that really will feel the impact. Here are three ways to lower your home energy bills as a start. We will talk about other ways to help you in coming blogs.

  1. Don’t leave things on standby – turn your electrics off fully when you’re not using them. It might seem like no big deal when it’s just switching off the TV, but if you do it for all your appliances over the course of a year it can make a huge difference – up to £80 in some cases.
  2. Get a smart energy meter. Even though they don’t directly cut down your energy consumption, a smart energy meter can help you understand which appliances use the most energy. Many suppliers will provide them free of charge, so look out for that if you’ve switched. They are good tools for teaching others in the house what is using the most energy and perhaps you can challenge your family to make changes.
  3. Use energy saving lightbulbs. When your bulbs go, replace them with an energy-saving alternative. That way, you don’t have to pay for ten bulbs all at once. LEDs are the preferred option.

If you or your loved ones are really struggling with energy bills and heating your home there are other avenues you could try for help.

Winter Fuel Payment

Eco and Affordable Warmth

Warm Home Discount


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Call: 0800 060 7567 or 01733 646253

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