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LEAP is a free service we offer in the local area. We understand that it can be difficult to pay your fuel bills and keep your home warm. This is why we are delivering the LEAP scheme in partnership with Peterborough City Council, South Cambridgeshire, and Rutland County Council to bring you free and reliable energy support.  

Many people don’t understand how much a home visit can help an individual, couple or family that have been really struggling, so we are putting together a series of LEAP case studies to show how easy the scheme is and how much it really can make a difference to people’s lives.

Edward wasn’t sure if he had cavity wall insulation, during a home visit, our Home Energy Advisor was able to confirm it was done to give this resident peace of mind.

Our Home Energy Advisor referred Edward for a new free fridge freezer through the HEART scheme, and fitted LED bulbs to cut down on costs. Edward was also made aware he is eligible for the Guaranteed Element of Pension credit which he agreed to apply for. During the visit, our Home Energy Advisor helped Edward apply for the £140 Warm Home Discount and for discounts on his water bills on the LITE tariff.

This shows just how much help and assistance one of our Home Energy Advisors can give during a visit. If you or someone you know could benefit from this service please visit LEAP | The Energy and Money Saving Service | Free Advice ( or call Freephone 0800 060 7567

As times are tough for many right now, making that telephone call could really could mean the difference to someone having a warm home during these cold winter months. Whether it is a relative, friend or one of your clients if you are a care worker, your call might be the lifeline they need.

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