The price of energy has increased by £235 for domestic consumers across Great Britain since last winter. The NEA estimate the record rise in October 2021 to the Default Tariff price cap resulted in over 500,000 more households pushed into fuel poverty. Further rises to the price cap in April are likely to result in a doubling of the cost of heating a home compared to last year.
Over the same period, those on the lowest incomes and households that contain someone with a long-term illness or disability that reduces their ability to work have seen their income plummet by over £1000 per year. In addition, inflation remains high, meaning that essentials outside of energy also continue to rise in price. This places a worrying burden on the shoulders of the poorest households, especially those living in the least efficient homes.
The scary facts about all of this means that with colder weather there will be more deaths in homes suffering from fuel poverty. The silver lining here is that there is help available in multiple ways.
In Peterborough, South Cambs and Rutland the LEAP scheme is an easy to use service that after a telephone call, a home energy advisor will visit and install easy measures to help save on energy. The advisor can install a range of simple energy saving measures where necessary, such as draught proofing or LED lightbulbs, provide energy efficiency advice and help you to look for a better deal on energy bills. The Home Energy Advisor will also leave behind a Home Visit Pack which will include details of the help and advice given to you as well as contact details of other organisations offering further support.
This further help can include referral to HEART for replacement of broken white goods, boiler repair and advice from IncomeMax to see whether you are entitled to further benefits or payments. Our case studies have been detailing some individual cases.
The message we are trying to give on #fuelpovertyawarenessday is don’t suffer in silence. Help and hope is there so take the first steps Apply Now | LEAP | Local Energy Advice Partnership (