Who do we work with?
We work with landlords, housing associations, estate agents and local authorities across the UK to help manage their void properties.
Our Void Energy Management Service
Dedicated Key Account Manager
Tailored support throughout your journey, such as regular monthly catch-ups, ensuring your needs are met.
4 hour SLA
All queries are dealt with within 4 hours or less.
Online Portal
A simple and easy place to store and send information.
Green Energy Supplier Management
We manage the green supplier and make sure they adhere to their SLAs.
Bill Management
Our dedicated billing team takes care of all billing matters during void periods with a streamlined consolidated billing process.
Dedicated Team
Our dedicated team are available at the other end of the phone or via email, during working hours.
Void Credit
Enjoy £15 void credit per meter and 90 days standing charge cleared.
Meter Appointments
We manage all meter appointments and installations, including an official escalation process, saving you time and effort.
Coverage for Long-Term Voids
Quarterly billing for Long-Term Voids.
Benefits for Tenants
Tenants move in with no previous debts or meter problems.
Tenant Welcome Packs
We will provide you with a simple and easy tenant pack. All you need to do is hand it over.
Effective Onboarding and Training
Streamlined and efficient onboarding for all new clients. All staff involved in the Voids process will receive thorough training.
Why choose us?
We are an award-winning team with over 18 years of experience in the energy sector providing first-class customer service. We’ll support your business to save you time, money and energy.
All of our profits are gift-aided to PECT, a leading environmental charity committed to safeguarding and enriching our planet. In doing so, we are the lead sponsor of their Forest project, which so far has led to the planting of over 117,000 trees, equating to a remarkable reduction of over 1,300 tonnes of carbon emission.
This makes us an ethical choice for your energy management solutions.
Our Easy 3-Step Process
Tenant Gives Notice
Add your property address, void date & estimated re-let date to our easy to use portal. GES process the property to start the switching process.
Tenant Vacates Property
Supplies will have switched to the new supplier and the account transferred back to you. GES are able to help with anything energy related!
New Tenant Moved In To Property
Add the tenant's names, moving in date and meter readings to close off the void period and transfer to the tenant.